Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Onward and Upward (posted by Rob)

I made it! You know that feeling you get while your in school that tells you this scholastic train ride is never going to end and you can never quite catch a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel? A feeling that no matter how many classes you sit through, tests you sweat through, and semesters you manage to survive, it still feels like graduation is never gonna happen? I know that feeling and now I know what it is like to make it through... it feels wonderful.

Now that we've completed the "Collegiate Undergrad" chapter of life Jacque and I are looking forward to some exciting new opportunities and adventures ahead. Earlier this last semester Jac and I toyed with the idea of spending some time teaching English overseas and we explored some organizations that facilitated doing so. About a month ago, we got a return notification from the Wuhan University of Science and Engineering in China who seemed impressed with my background and after an interview process invited me to come teach in their Foreign Language department. The school provides housing, utilities, and a considerable amount of paid time off to allow for travel. We'd be there for about ten months. Jac and I are really excited about this venture and feel that its coming at a time in our life where we can take time out to explore, see a distant part of the world, and make some really great memories. I don't foresee this expedition in China to yield anything as far as a major career boost, as of now we're just going for the experience of it, but if anything does materialize while we're there we definitely won't be opposed to looking into it.

Aside from teaching at Wuhan University of Science and Engineering (or WUSE) there is also a possibility that I could be taking up a government job as an opportunity has just arisen recently in that field as well. Needless to say, Jacque and I look to the future with much anticipation and are excited about several big events coming up in the next few months including: Betsy (Jacque's younger sister) and Matt's wedding, Donovon's (my younger brother) homecoming from the Peoria, IL Mission, and Nathan's (my youngest brother) departure to the Oaxaca, Mexico Mission. So Jacker and I.... we're just happy, smilin', and looking onward and upward towards the future.


Jenny said...

congrats for such exciting events coming up.

David and Haylee Skaggs said...

Congrats you guys! That's exciting!! Maybe Dave and I will have to come out and visit you in China!

Lindsay Edward said...

Congratulations! I'm so jealous of the China trip. Talk about a sweet opportunity! Eat lots of weird food for me.

Brit n' Ryan said...

Congrats! China sounds like it would be so cool too, good luck! So glad to hear you are both doing really well, and happy!