Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lets start at the very beginning!

Getting to know us.

Full Name: Robert William Skaggs

Birthday: March 6th 1984

Hometown: Corona. Ca

Has two younger brothers and one younger sister

Attends BYU

Served a mission to Taiwan, Taipei

Interests and hobbies:

Spending time with family and friends

Watching sports

Writing poetry


Talking to people in Chinese

Celebrity look alike

My family always jokes around with Rob and says that he looks like the Pinocchio from Shrek. But he has also been told that he looks like Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) and Elijiah Wood (Frodo).

Favorite things:

Restaurant: Rob is the least pickiest eater, he will be able to find something anywhere we go. He does however love Shoots here in Provo.

Fast food: Rob really likes Miguel Jr.

Drink: Water, how boring.

Unique things about Rob:

He is so funny and usually can turn any situation into a joke.

He will just sit down and listen to people and make up funny "bits" about the conversation

Full Name: Jacque Rae Conklin Skaggs:

Hometown: Boise, Idaho

Has two older sister and one younger sister

Interests and hobbies:


Baking- not cooking, but baking treats

Watching shows!

Celebrity look alike:

I have never thought i have looked like any celebrity, but occasionally get that i look like Sandra Bullock, or Selma Blair.

Favorite Things:

Restaurant: Bardanay

Fast Food: Taco Bell

Drink: Dr. Pepper, vanilla bean frappicianos, carmel steamers, Fierce brand Gatorade...anything but water really.

Unique things about me:

I clogged for 7 years and loved it, but won't show anyone anymore

I have been to South Africa with my family on vacation


Carolyn Baggett said...

oh jacque, welcome to the famous blogging world. it really is wonderful and you will get hooked!
luv ya

David and Haylee Skaggs said...

that's probably the sexiest picture I have ever seen of rob. nice.