Thursday, January 7, 2010

What a busy two months its been!

Rob and I have been very busy lately, and haven't done a very good job with the blogging. Ill try to catch you up to date with what we have been up to and any big/ important events.

Halloween- Rob and I along with the other teachers went to a club called Vox for Halloween. Rob and I at the last minute threw together some outfits and both went as Kobe. It was fun, and we had a good time.

In early November I interviewed and got offered a job at a place called Gymboree, its an American based company that does play classes for kids ages 1 month to 36 months. I also teach a couple of English classes to three year olds there as well. I work alot, but really enjoy it and am glad that i found something to do to keep me busy.

Since I took over this new job, Rob took over my old tutoring job. The kids and parents love him, and he enjoys doing that. He teaches two hours on Saturday mornings and its nice to have the extra money.

The girls in Robs " Kiddie Class"

The boys in Robs " Kiddie Class"

Thanksgiving this year was very different, but we had fun. We went and had dinner on the 25th floor of the Ramada Inn, it was really nice. It wasn't traditional food, but it was really good.
Rob and us at Thanksgiving Dinner

Liz and us with a Chocolate fountain! Very Fancy

Lots of SeaFood!

Holidays this year were really different, we had a good Christmas Eve, we went to a nice Chinese restaurant that was really good. The food was great,and it was fun to be with everyone.

Me as Mrs. Clause for a Christmas party at work...

All our gifts for our Secret Santa Gift Exchange

It has been a good couple of months. WE miss all of you and hope you are doing well.


VessandAngie said...

yay! we both blogged! i LOVE your hair. we miss you guys!

Betsy said...

we lovvvvve you! & miss you of course...