Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Whats in a Name

A few day ago I was leaving work with three new girls who will be working with me, Hana, Candy, and Apple, and I had a conversation that went like this:

Hana: Jacque did you know you have a boys name
Me: Not really
Hana: Well it is, its totally a boys name, Jackie Chan is a boy
Me: Jack is a boys name, and Jacque is a girls name, usually short for Jacqueline
Hana: But isn't your name just Jacque
Me: Yes it is, but Jacque is also a girls name
Hana: I don't think so, its a boys name, just thought I would tell you

End of conversation

As I was walking away I thought: Your telling me that I have a boys name, when your two friends chose the names Candy and Apple. Yeah I'm glad we don't pick our own names and I'll take my "boys" name anyday!

1 comment:

Carolyn Baggett said...

wow, that's pretty funny! oh Jacque I wish I was there during that conversation. i miss you